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NPDES Training Institute
for MS4, Construction, Industrial, and Green Infrastructure Stormwater Inspectors
The NPDES Stormwater Training Institute is a veteran-owned and operated company built on a foundation of gratitude for the United States of America and our surface water quality. Underscoring our passion for providing the best stormwater training experience possible is the fundamental understanding that over the last 50 years, America has provided its inhabitants with a healthy economy and consequently, enabled profitable construction and manufacturing companies to pay for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance. The NPDES permitting program requires potential polluters to obtain a permit that requires the treatment and/or removal of pollutants prior to their discharge to our fishable and swimmable creeks, rivers, lakes, and coastal bays. Our reputation is built on providing experienced-based, practical training solutions for thousands of construction, industrial, engineering, and environmental professionals across the nation. We are proud of the reputation we have built with our students and guarantee their satisfaction with every course we provide. Consequently, we are the preferred training provider for thousands of professionals working for general contractors, home builders, and industrial operations, as well as federal, state, and local regulatory agencies.
In America, the NPDES permitting program has allowed our country to have amazing water quality, but as a consequence, millions of people take this precious natural resource for granted. Our current population explosion has made it even more challenging to keep our waterways clean. At the NPDES Training Institute, we believe it’s “Keeping Water in Your Life & Life in Your Water®” that matters most. We provide scheduled and customized field, classroom, and online training throughout the United States.
Keep the Dirt Out of Our Watershed
The NPDES Permitting Program has been referred to as the world’s most successful water quality protection program to ever be implemented. NPDES Permit compliance for discharges of polluted water is required for industries that play a critical role in growing America’s strong economy. The NPDES Permits for construction, industrial (multi-sector) and municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) are often complicated to comply with and enforce, and that’s where we come in.
Our training staff is composed of highly-skilled educators who are experts in their fields. Our role is to help our students unravel the confusion and make NPDES permits the common sense approach for water quality they were designed and developed to be. As we rapidly develop over, under and through our water resources, it becomes clear that there is nothing more important than the protection of excellent water quality. As Theodore Roosevelt once said, “There is nothing more practical than the preservation of beauty than the preservation of anything that appeals to the higher emotions of mankind.”
We can no longer sit idly by and observe damage being done to our rivers, streams and lakes and nonchalantly turn the other cheek. Long term economic gain–good or bad–is linked directly to water quality. We must understand that our future quality of life is at stake and work together to protect and improve our water sources. This is the foundation from which the NPDES Stormwater Training Institute was founded. Our concern for water quality is matched by our respect and appreciation for the professionals we train. This combination of loyalties is our promise to you that you will receive the most effective stormwater training offered anywhere in the country.
Meet Our Staff
Teaching Americans how to navigate the NPDES permitting program in the compliance and regulatory communities is our specialty. As a nationally recognized stormwater training company, we provide certification, training, and consulting solutions for the MS4, construction, and industrial stormwater communities. Since 2005 we have certified and/or trained over 10,000 stormwater-related professionals, including members of the USEPA, US Army Corp of Engineers, numerous state NPDES Permitting Authorities, and local MS4 regulators, general contractors, professional engineers, and SWPPP design professionals.
Our staff has over 100 combined years of experience and is composed of former stormwater regulators and consultants. Our reputation rests solidly on our unique instructional approach in both the classroom and the field where we incorporate an interactive learning environment. We confidently present course material that many might otherwise consider dry and boring in refreshing, informative, and truly exceptional ways!
Whether you’re learning how to:
- Design, read, or implement an effective stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP)
- Perform effective stormwater compliance and enforcement inspections
- Install and maintain best management practices (BMPs) for watershed protection and permit compliance
- Properly identify an outfall during the initial inventory or annual inspections
- Conduct dry weather screening/subwatershed assessment
- Track down an illicit discharge
Our comprehensive training will equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in the realm of stormwater management.
Our passion for making the Clean Water Act practical and effective is the force behind our commitment to offering “Training That Helps It All Make Sense®!”
Meet Our Trainers

I’m President and Principal Consultant of the NPDES Stormwater Training Institute. I love teaching stormwater almost as much reeling in a 12-pound largemouth or hunting caribou with my brother in Alaska. I believe that hard work, living a life of gratitude and taking responsibility for your own actions are the keys that open the doors to happiness, a strong vibrant economy and healthy environment.
My passion for making NPDES practical is the force behind my personal commitment to offering “Training That Helps It All Make Sense®!”