Subcontractor Awareness Course Description (White Card)

GSWCC White ID Card

GSWCC White ID Card

The Subcontractor Awareness Seminar is a 2-hour seminar with no exam that’s designed to provide the mandatory 3-year certification to individuals working in a subcontractor capacity. The GSWCC Subcontractor Awareness White Card Certification course consists of material covering:

  • Erosion and sedimentation
  • The impacts erosion and sedimentation have on the environment
  • Best Management Practices (BMPs), both vegetative and structural
  • Laws governing erosion and sedimentation

Subcontractor Awareness Seminar Attendees typically include:

  • Grading personnel, such as grading and earthmoving equipment operators
  • Irrigation system personnel (residence, commercial, and industrial sites)
  • Landscape personnel
  • Utility personnel (excludes entities regulated by the PSC or FERC and other entities listed in O.C.G.A. 12-7-17[10], if within a Common Development)
  • Wastewater personnel installing on-site systems (includes septic tank excavation and drain fields)
  • Well-drilling personnel (includes directional boring equipment operators)
  • Plumbers and electricians (will require certification if conducting a land-disturbing activity within a permitted project site)
  • Erosion control installation personnel and other personnel involved in land-disturbing activities acting in a subcontractor capacity

What if I already attended a Level IA Fundamentals Seminar?

If you are working in a subcontractor capacity and possess a Level IA certification, you are not required to take the Subcontractor Awareness Seminar, but you will need to keep your Level 1A (Blue Card) Certification up to date.

Please call our office at 678-469-5120 or fill out the form below to check for class availability

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