MS4CECI Training
The MS4 Compliance and Enforcement Certified Inspector (MS4CECI) Seminar is a 2-day training experience. This course is designed to provide the required Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) credentials to staff and contracted personnel to perform MS4 permit compliance and enforcement responsibilities.
CLASSROOM TRAINING: Upon completion of the first day of training the course attendee will have learned:
- Clean Water Act Fundamentals & Perspective on Water Quality
- Urban Stormwater Impacts
- Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program Elements
- Role of the MS4 Inspector
*Guest Speakers representing the USEPA, State and/or Local government personnel are always invited. Past presentations have included topics related to updates to Waters of the US, State Waters, MS4 program audits, preferred enforcement protocol, etc.
CLASSROOM TRAINING: Upon completion of the second day of training, the attendee will have learned:
- Facility Inspections (Hot Spot/HVPS, Industrial Facilities and Construction Sites)
- Field Sampling & Data Collection
- An active NPDES permitted Construction Site Inspection
- An active NPDES Permitted Industrial Facility Inspection
- Outfall Reconnaissance & water sampling protocol
Course modules have been prepared and/or reviewed by stormwater consulting professionals in conjunction with state and local regulatory personnel. NPDES Stormwater Training Institute instructors, as well as USEPA officials and Environmental Protection Division personnel, present important stormwater topics in an easy to understand and practical format. The training implements interactive learning tools including but not limited to video, keynote presentations, experiential sharing, whiteboard question and answer sessions, group problem solving, and realistic in-field investigations.
Upon completion of the 2-day MS4CECI Seminar, attendees will take a 1-hour open book exam. Certification is granted upon receiving a passing score of 70%. Upon successful completion of the course, the attendee will receive a Certificate of Completion, MS4CECI photo ID card and ongoing phone/email support. All course material, instruction, testing and certification ID card are included in the cost of the course. The certification is valid for 3 years, at which time an online or classroom course option for renewal will be available.
The NPDES Training Institute developed the MS4CECI course to fill a need for municipalities, consultants, local, state and federal regulatory agencies working as compliance and enforcement stormwater inspectors of hot spots, highly visible pollutant sources, industrial facilities and construction sites. We’ve received scores of questions asking if the NPDES Stormwater Training Institute could provide an MS4 Inspector course for their people. As a result we’ve invested a lot of time and energy into the MS4CECI course that answers all the questions we’ve ever had and/or received about the MS4 program.
T. Luke Owen, is the principal course developer and trainer, while the rest of our training staff present and improve on the MS4CECI course material. Together with Luke, Josue DeJesus as an experienced MS4 Stormwater Manager for the City of Conyers, Georgia now serves as a primary stormwater and erosion & sediment control training provider for the NPDES Stormwater Training Institute. The MS4CECI training is unique in that it’s primary focus is to not only train, but effectively educate both new and seasoned stormwater professionals. By providing specific state and local regulatory training material, we believe the MS4CECI course that offers both classroom and field training, is by far the most effective course offered anywhere that truly helps the MS4 inspector fulfill his/her MS4 responsibilities in the field. The MS4 Compliance & Enforcement Certified Inspector is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to effectively growing our economy while protecting our water resources at the same time. In other words, we believe that without knowledgeable MS4 inspector oversight of our watersheds; local fishing holes have little hope of holding fish for the next generation.
Josue De Jesus is a certified GASWCC Level I E&S Certified Trainer and MS4 Compliance and Enforcement Certified Inspector. His prior experience in safety management and eleven years managing the NPDES MS4 Phase II program provides him with a unique perspective on why compliance makes a difference to our environment. He relocated from Puerto Rico in 1993 and quickly became an asset to our team of trainers. He is bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish. When he is not in the field or training he is a busy and proud father of 2 daughters. Josue is very familiar with compliance, which is the reason for his passion to educate those working in the field.
Cost for the two day class includes all materials (3 manuals – MS4CECI manual, IDDE manual, & State Stormwater Management Manual, Inspection forms, Notepad, Pen, Highlighter, Test, MS4CECI ID Certification Card (upon successful completion of the course), Lanyard, Certificate of Completion, Hard hat decal, Clear NPDES decal, Thumb drive with all course materials and MS4CECI embroidered patch.